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Continue shopping sign in"> ', supermodel: '', model_ids: '', sku_ids: "", price: '', availability: '' }, search: { term: '', resultCount: '' }, cart: { paymentType: '', price: [], quantity: [], sellingPrice: [], shippingMethod: '', shippingCost: '', sku: [], total: '0.00', promoCode: '' } } } if(false) { = {, model: [], category1: [], supermodel: [], lotaltyPoints: 0, origin: '0.00' } } /* { if (typeof window.SonyAnalytics === "undefined") { window.SonyAnalytics = function() { = function() { const gwMainCategory = true ? resultCollectionGWT?.mainCategory || {} : resultProdGWT?.categories?.mainCategory || {}; = {, gwCategory1: gwMainCategory?.[0] || '', gwCategory2: gwMainCategory?.[1] || '', gwCategory3: gwMainCategory?.[2] || '', } if (false) { = {, gwSku: resultProdGWT?.skuName || '', gwModel: resultProdGWT?.modelName || '', gwSupermodel: resultProdGWT?.superModelName || '', } } return initDataLayer; } }; } dispatchEvent(); }) } else if(false) { dataProdCartGWT.then((resultProdCart) => { if (typeof window.SonyAnalytics === "undefined") { window.SonyAnalytics = function() { = function() { = {, gwCategory1: resultProdCart.gwCategory1, gwCategory2: resultProdCart.gwCategory2, gwCategory3: resultProdCart.gwCategory3, gwSku: resultProdCart.gwSku, gwModel: resultProdCart.gwModel, gwSupermodel: resultProdCart.gwSupermodel } return initDataLayer; } } } dispatchEvent(); }) } else { if (typeof window.SonyAnalytics === "undefined") { window.SonyAnalytics = function() { = function() { return initDataLayer; } } dispatchEvent(); } } /*]]>*/ function getCollectionFilter(url) { var sPageURL = url.split('/').pop(), sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), sParameterName, i; var dataResult = []; if (sPageURL) { for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName.length > 1) { let obj; if (sParameterName[0] == 'price') { var arrayObj = sParameterName[1].split('-'); arrayObj.forEach((element, i) => { arrayObj[i] = [element.slice(0, -2), '.', element.slice(-2)].join(''); arrayObj[i] = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {style: "currency", currency: 'USD', maximumFractionDigits: 2,}).format(arrayObj[i]); }); var filterValue = arrayObj.join('-'); obj = { key: sParameterName[0], value: decodeURIComponent(filterValue) }; } else { obj = { key: sParameterName[0], value: decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]) }; } dataResult.push(obj); } } } if (dataResult && dataResult.length > 0) { let objString = '{'; for (var i = 0; i < dataResult.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { objString += ', '; } objString += `"${dataResult[i].key}": ["${dataResult[i].value}"]`; } objString += '}'; return objString; } return null; }; // Set Customer ID to cookie // Set the expiration date to a past time var pastDate = new Date(0); // Set the cookie with an expired expiration date document.cookie = "sonyCustomerID=; expires=" + pastDate.toUTCString() + "; path=/;"; // Get GWT Data Colleciton to push to dataLayer async function getGWTDataCollection() { return callAPIWithTokenRefresh('products/get_gwt_caterogies?collectionID=269422755874', 'GET'); } async function getGWTdataProductDetail(productSku) { return callAPIWithTokenRefresh(`products/get_gwt_product_detail_db?sku=${productSku}`, 'GET') } });
1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price and may change from time to time without prior notice.